Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University | RE-ACCREDITED BY NAAC WITH B+ GRADE - 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

The Scholar of the Month

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of our college has taken up a number of quality initiatives to create and sustain quality in the field of research and innovation. We are now hosting a renowned scholar who is designated as the Scholar of the Month and this initiative offers an opportunity to students and teachers alike to get acquainted with the latest research and innovation taking place in various fields. This has generated substantial interest among the participants who get immensely benefited by talks of the scholar.


The Scholar of the Month: Special Talk -"Excellence & Entrepreneurship in Shifting Sands of HEI: An 'adda' with Prof Ray"


The Scholar of the Month: Special Talk -"Quality Initiative in Higher Education Institution: An Interactive Session"

Dr Sukriti Ghosal, Retired Principal, M U C Women's College & Registrar , Hindi University, Howrah will deliver a Special Talk as the Scholar of the Month. R &D Cell in collaboration with IQAC hosts ' Quality Initiative in Higher Education Institution: An Interactive Session' on 05.03.2024 at Teachers' Room, PCMM


The Scholar of the Month: Special Talk - "Why we study the partition of 1947: Some Ruminations"


Book Launch - Revisiting Partition Memory: Essays on Literature, Society & Cinema