Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis Mahavidyalaya
Affiliated to West Bengal State University | RE-ACCREDITED BY NAAC WITH B+ GRADE - 2024
ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Rules & Regulations


  • Students must be present in the classes as per University Norms (75% attendance) and appear at the compulsory selection test. Otherwise they will not be allowed to be sent up for University Examinations. Furnishing a medical certificate as a reason of absence will not be considered for the same.

  • Students must produce their identity cards issued by the college, whenever required, during college hours.

  • Students must not deface the walls of the college building by writing slogans or pasting posters.

  • Students must not gather together in front of class-rooms, teachers' room, library and office room. Loitering on the corridors is strictly prohibited.

  • Visitors other than parents or guardians are not allowed to see students during college hours.

  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The college will not be responsible for any loss thereof.

  • Absence from college without leave is not allowed except in unforeseen circumstances, in which case immediate intimation should be given to the college authorities.

  • The Name of a student absenting himself/herself from the college for a period of one month at a stretch without prior permission may be struck off the rolls.

  • Any plea regarding irregular attendance leading to shortage of required percentage will not be entertained.

  • Students against whom charges of repeated transgression of discipline are on record are liable to expulsion from college.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited within and in the vicinity of the college premises.

  • Ragging activities are strictly prohibited in the college campus. Serious measures will be taken against any person indulged in such activities.